A total of 40 centers participate this academic year in the “Cinema with Perspective” program
FICBUEU- The program aims to educate in the identification and treatment of sexist stereotypes present in audiovisual narratives.
- Participating students will also have the opportunity to create a simple audiovisual production with a gender perspective.

The Consellería de Cultura, Educación, FP e Universidades (Xunta de Galicia) published last month the resolution of selected centers to participate in this academic year in the program “Cinema with Perspective,” developed in collaboration with the cultural association FICBUEU.
The program, aimed at students in 5th and 6th grade of Primary Education and 1st and 2nd year of Secondary Education, aims to educate in the identification and treatment of sexist stereotypes present in the narrative of cinema and other forms of audiovisual expression. Likewise, participating students will be able to create a product (script, shooting plan, etc.) to stage a simple audiovisual production with a gender perspective.
The program will take place throughout the second and third trimesters of the 2023/24 academic year and is divided into two different activities. The first one consists of the screening of short films with gender equality themes, which aims to promote among students reflection on the role of women in society, gender violence, and inequalities. Once the screening is finished, a colloquium will be held, moderated and directed by an expert, who will seek to stimulate the reflective and analytical capacity of the students regarding the values and hidden messages regarding equality present in the films.
The second activity is an educational workshop for the creation of a simple audiovisual production. In each participating educational center, an audiovisual production with gender equality themes will be developed, whether it be a short film, an advertising spot, a music video, or an interview, among other formats. The plot and staging will reflect content about the meaning of equality and equity between women and men, stereotypes and gender roles, or women’s empowerment, from a didactic perspective that allows students to understand the reality of this situation from the perspective of a social process under construction and positive change.
The initiative is part of the Galician Strategy for School Coexistence, which considers the effective achievement of equality of rights and opportunities between women and men and equality of treatment and non-discrimination against individuals based on their sexual orientation as one of its principles.