The residents of ITA BERDUCIDO create a short documentary with the support of the FICBUEU team
FICBUEUThe group has been working on the film since March through the film workshops of the FICBUEU Social Area.
In 2016, the Bueu festival carried out the creation of the FICBUEU Social Area, through which it directs its work towards disadvantaged or at-risk-of-exclusion groups, using cinema as a therapeutic, educational, visibility-enhancing, and integrating tool. This line has been in operation for eight years already, during which workshops and screening sessions were developed with numerous institutions such as the Príncipe Felipe Center, the Gypsy Secretariat Foundation of Vigo, ADICAM (Association of Diagnosed Breast Cancer Patients of Cangas), Xuntos Association for Down Syndrome in Pontevedra, or the Con Eles Association of Vilagarcía.
Last year, the Érguete Vigo and Juan XXIII Center in Cangas collectives were the beneficiaries of the activity, resulting in, on one hand, the short film titled “Sabía que vendrías”, in which actresses Arantxa Treus and Rocío Romero participated; and on the other hand, a science fiction and comedy piece called “A fin do osíxeno”, featuring actresses Mónica Caamaño, Anabel Budiño, and Sé Rial, actor Lois Soaxe, and Peter Punk as the main character.
In 2023, thel FICBUEU team developed a new short film creation workshop in collaboration with ITA Berducido for a period of two months, thanks to the funding from Obra Social La Caixa and Simei Global Consulting. On this occasion, the participants chose to create a documentary about Nieves Loperena, a resident of Gaxate (A Lama) and popularly known as “Tía Ni” (Auntie Ni).
In 2008, Nieves created “Mercado de la Tía Ni,” a bookshop and antique shop that also functions as a cultural space and meeting point, where she organizes various activities including talks, concerts, and flea markets. The location of Mercado de la Tía Ni is an old schoolhouse built in Castro de Gaxate, surrounded by a native forest area. During the summer months, there are hammocks and outdoor reading areas, as well as nighttime projections.
Near this location is ITA Berducido, where the participants of this short film workshop reside. It is a centre that provides a residential therapeutic program for teenagers with diverse behavioural issues. Over these months, six residents of the centre learned everything related to the process of creating an audiovisual piece through the different workshop sessions. They started with the initial idea and the script, went through preparation and pre-production, and concluded with the filming and subsequent editing of the film. All this behind-the-scenes work was carried out by the group members, with the support of ITA Berducido staff and three professionals from the FICBUEU team.
The final result, still in the process of editing and post-production, will premiere during the opening day of the 16th edition of the Bueu International Film Festival, which will take place on September 9th. The event will be attended by both the creators of the documentary, the protagonist, and the teaching team.
The film will be available to watch on the YouTube FICBUEU Channel, where the pieces created in the workshops of recent years, as well as other materials related to the festival and its activities, can be found.