As social commitment is one of the central pillars of all initiatives carried out by the FICBUEU Association, in 2016 we created our own Social Area, starting a line of work aimed at disadvantaged or at-risk-of-exclusion groups, with the goal of using cinema as a therapeutic, educational, visibility-raising and integrating tool. At the same time, we try to contribute to the social and cultural cohesion and development of our environment, promoting values such as respect, equality and solidarity.
In this field, through two lines of action (audiovisual workshops and short film screening sessions with subsequent discussion or activity), we have collaborated in recent years with social initiative entities such as the Príncipe Felipe Center, Secretariat of the Gypsy Foundation in Vigo, ADICAM (Association of Diagnosed with Breast Cancer of Cangas), Xuntos Down Syndrome Association of Pontevedra, Juan XXIII Association, Con Eles Association of Vilagarcía, and the Érguete Vigo Association.
We have also collaborated with public administrations such as the General Secretariat of Penitentiary Institutions at the A Lama Center, the Galician Health Service at the Álvaro Cunqueiro Hospital, the Ministry of Education at the Vilgarcía Special Education Center (CEE) and the Panxón CEE (diagnosed with severe conduct disorder), and the Ministry of State for Social Services at the Bergondo CPAP (Autonomy Promotion Center), among others.
In most of the actions, workshops were carried out in which the participants created a short film entirely through the workshop. These films were later premiered at the Bueu International Film Festival.
Some of the short films created by the FICBUEU social area are: